❯ Guillaume Laforge


Groovy Weekly #65

I hope you all had a Groovy Easter, with baskets full of eggs and chocolate!

Little update on the Groovy infrastructure, as the project moves into incubation at Apache, the JIRA issue tracker has moved, and don’t forget that the Groovy mailing-lists are also moving.






Mailing-list posts



Groovy Weekly #64

Today marks the end of the sponsorship of the Groovy and Grails projects by Pivotal. The projects are now turning a new page in their lives. For Groovy, the project is going to wear some feathers, with joining the Apache Software Foundation. And Grails is releasing its major 3.0 version.

With Groovy’s move to Apache, it’s important to notice that the Groovy mailing-lists are moving. You must subscribe to the new mailing-lists at Apache, as we won’t force-subscribe people, so you’ll have to opt-in to these new lists.


Groovy Weekly #63

The big news today is that Groovy has now passed the vote for entering the Apache Software Foundation incubator! Thus, in the coming weeks and months, while going through the incubation process, you can expect some changes in terms of infrastructure (moving sources, issue tracker, mailng-lists, etc) to be taking place, but don’t worry, we’ll keep you informed along the way.

This past week, we’ve had some new releases of Groovy, as well as the second release candidate for Grails 3! Grails 3 is really really close now, get ready, it’s gonna rock the house!


Groovy 2.4.3 out and entering Apache's incubator

The Groovy team is happy to announce another 2.4 release, with Groovy 2.4.3.

We noticed some regressions that needed our attention, and we decided to release rapidly after our recent 2.4.2 release of last week. Please upgrade to 2.4.3 if you’re on the 2.4.x line.

You can read about the tickets resolved in our changelog: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.3.html

And you can download the Groovy distribution as usual on the new Groovy website.

I’d also like to announce that Groovy passed the vote to enter the Apache Software Foundation Incubator! In the coming weeks, we’ll be through the incubation process, likely for a few months, where we’ll be moving things around (sources, JIRA, mailing-lists, etc), so you can expect a bit of change, but we’ll keep you posted on how we progress along.


Groovy 2.4.2 and 2.3.11 released

The Groovy development team is happy to announce the bug fix releases of Groovy 2.4.2 and Groovy 2.3.11.

For the 2.4.2 release, some key performance improvements have found their way in static compilation mode, so you might be happy to see your programs snappier!

Along with those two releases, you’ll notice lots more documentation has been written on the new Groovy website, as well as important updates to existing topics. You might want to have a look at the following new or improved sections:


Groovy Weekly #61

Big news for this week with the intention of the Groovy project to join the Apache Software Foundation! And if you wnat to know more about who actually contributed to Groovy over the years, Cédric detailed that on his blog.





Code snippets


Groovy Projects intends to join the Apache Software Foundation

The Groovy team is happy to announce its intention to join the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).

Following up the recent announcement from Pivotal to end funding of full time developers for the Groovy programming language project, the team thought it would be appropriate to demonstrate to the Groovy community that the project is here for the long term, regardless of any funding from particular sponsoring organizations and regardless of any changes to the team of committers over time.


Groovy Weekly #60

This round number edition is pretty busy!

Last week ended with a pretty sad note, with the news of Leonard Nimoy’s passing, the famous vulcan extraterrestrial from Star Trek. This certainly resonates with the Groovy community (and geeks & fans out large) because of our very own Spock testing framework. So let’s all gather and have a thought for this great actor and for his family.

But as a tribute to this great actor and character, the long awaited news is that the Spock testing framework releases its 1.0 version!


Groovy Weekly #59

Groovy keeps rocking with a joint release of Groovy 2.4.1 and also a 2.3.10!

And did you notice the nice new design of the new Grails website, based on Groovy’s website? That’s a family look!

Also, I’d like to end this short editorial with a big congrats to the GVM team who’s reached the 100,000 unique installs! That’s a big milestone!





Code snippets




Joint releases of Groovy 2.4.1 and 2.3.10

The Groovy development team is happy to announce the joint releases of the Groovy 2.4.1 and Groovy 2.3.10 of the Groovy programming language for the Java platform.

Both releases are bug fix releases, and while Groovy 2.4.1 is the latest official stable branch, we thought it might be helpful to some projects who are still on the 2.3.x line to get a final release for that branch. But going forward, the 2.3.x branch won’t see any upcoming release.