❯ Guillaume Laforge


Tech Watch #1 — Sept 29, 2023

Inspired my by super boss Richard Seroter with his regular daily reading list, I decided to record and share my tech watch, every week (or so). I always take notes of interesting articles I read for my own curiosity and to remember them when I need those references later on. But also to share them with Les Cast Codeurs podcast! So I hope it’ll be interesting to my readers too!

  • LLMs Demand Observability-Driven Development
    A great tribune from Charity Majors on the importance of observability-driven development, in the wake of large language models. Developing LLM based solutions is typically not something you can do with a classical test-driven approach, as you only really get proper test data when you have it coming from production usage. Furthermore, LLMs are pretty much unpredictable and underterministic. But with observability in place, you can better understand why there’s latency in some scenarios, why the LLM came to certain solutions, and this will help you improve as your learn along the way.