❯ Guillaume Laforge


Day 15 with Workflows — Built-in Cloud Logging function

In the two previous episodes, we saw how to create and call subworkflows, and we applied this technique to making a reusable routine for logging with Cloud Logging. However, there’s already a built-in function for that purpose! So let’s have a look at this integration. To call the built-in logging function, just create a new step, and make a call to the sys.log function: - logString: call: sys.log args: text: Hello Cloud Logging! Read more...

Day 13 with Workflows — Logging with Cloud Logging

Time to come back to our series on Cloud Workflows. Sometimes, for debugging purposes or for auditing, it is useful to be able to log some information via Cloud Logging. As we saw last month, you can call HTTP endpoints from your workflow. We can actually use Cloud Logging’s REST API to log such messages! Let’s see that in action. - log: call: http.post args: url: https://logging.googleapis.com/v2/entries:write auth: type: OAuth2 body: entries: - logName: ${"projects/" + sys. Read more...