❯ Guillaume Laforge


Getting started with Micronaut on Google App Engine Java 11

A new Java runtime was announced for Google App Engine standard: with Java 11. It’s currently in beta, but anybody can already try it out. Another interesting announcement was the fact that the instances running your apps now get double the memory! So with this double dose of great news, I decided to craft a little tutorial to show how to deploy a Micronaut application on App Engine Java 11. And because Apache Groovy is, well, groovy, I’ll go ahead and use Groovy for my programming language, but of course, the same steps apply to Java workloads as well. Read more...

Deploy a Micronaut application containerized with JIB to Google Kubernetes Engine

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to be at Devoxx Belgium once again, to meet developers and learn about new things from awesome speakers. Google Cloud Platform had its own booth on the exhibition floor, and the team was running codelabs: 10 laptops were at the disposal of attendees to go through various hands-on tutorials on several GCP products. I took a chance at crafting my own codelab: deploying a Micronaut application, containerized with Jib, to Google Kubernetes Engine. Read more...

Getting started with Groovy technologies on Google Cloud Platform

Back to GR8Conf Europe in Denmark, for the yearly Groovy community reunion! I had the chance to present two talks. The first one on Google’s Machine Learning APIs, with samples in Groovy using vision recognition, speech recognition & generation, natural language analysis. I’ll come back on ML in Groovy in forthcoming articles. And the second talk was an overview of Google Cloud Platform, focusing on the compute and storage options, with demos using Groovy frameworks (Ratpack, Gaelyk, and the newly released Micronaut) and how to deploy apps on Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, App Engine. Read more...