❯ Guillaume Laforge


Choreography vs orchestration in microservices and best practices

We went from a single monolith to a set of microservices that are small, lightweight, and easy to implement. Microservices enable reusability, make it easier to change and scale apps on demand but they also introduce new problems. How do microservices interact with each other toward a common goal? How do you figure out what went wrong when a business process composed of several microservices fails? Should there be a central orchestrator controlling all interactions between services or should each service work independently, in a loosely coupled way, and only interact through shared events? In this talk, we’ll explore the Choreography vs Orchestration question and see demos of some of the tools that can help. And we’ll explore some best practices and patterns to apply when adopting an orchestration approach.


Skyrocketing Micronaut microservices into Google Cloud

Instead of spending too much time on infrastructure, take advantage of readily available serverless solutions. Focus on your Micronaut code, and deploy it rapidly as a function, an application, or within a container, on Google Cloud Platform, with Cloud Functions, App Engine, or Cloud Run.

In this presentation, you’ll discover the options you have to deploy your Micronaut applications and services on Google Cloud. With Micronaut Launch, it’s easy to get started with a template project, and with a few tweaks, you can then push your code to production.


Orchestrating microservices with Google Cloud Workflows

The trend toward splitting a monolith into fine-grained loosely-coupled microservices has its merits. It allows us to scale parts of an application more easily. Teams become more effective on their focused perimeter. However, in a chain or graph of services interacting with each other via message buses or other eventing mechanisms, it becomes difficult to understand when things start to break. Your business processes spanning those services are in limbo. Here starts detective work to find out how to get back on track.


Interview InfoQ en Français sur les microservices sur Google Cloud Platform

Une fois n’est pas coutume, je vais parler de Google Cloud Platform en français ! Lors de la confĂ©rence Voxxed Days Microservices, que j’ai  couverte rĂ©cemment, j’ai eu l’occasion de rĂ©pondre Ă  une interview pour InfoQ France.

Interview sur les microservices sur Google Cloud Platform

Voici la liste des questions auxquelles j’ai rĂ©pondues, et je vous laisserai Ă©couter les rĂ©ponses sur  InfoQ France !

  • Pour ceux qui ne te connaissent pas, peux-tu nous dire qui tu es ?
  • Elles sont oĂą les Ă©quipes produits ?
  • Et les utilisateurs, en France, il y en a beaucoup ?
  • Pour les nĂ©ophytes, les microservices, qu’est-ce que c’est ?
  • C’est quoi le “nouveau” par rapport aux architectures dites distribuĂ©es, soa, webservices ?
  • On va parler de la platforme cloud de google, oĂą ça en est ?
  • C’est quoi serverless, le retour du mainframe ?
  • Quelles nouveautĂ©s ?
  • Et Google vis Ă  vis de java ?
  • C’est quoi les langages que vous poussez le plus ?
  • Le futur des microservices ?

Building and deploying microservices with App Engine and Cloud Functions

A coupe weeks ago, I had the chance to talk at Cloud Next 2018, in San Francisco, with my colleague and friend Alexis. We talked about building and deploying microservices with Google App Engine and Cloud Functions. I’ve been a big fan of App Engine since 2009 when Google released the Java flavor, and have been enjoying doing a bit of Node / JavaScript on Cloud Functions since it came in beta. So I was very happy to be able to talk about those two serverless solutions.