❯ Guillaume Laforge


Some advice and good practices when integrating an LLM in your application

When integrating an LLM into your applicaton to extend it and make it smarter, it’s important to be aware of the pitfalls and best practices you need to follow to avoid some common problems and integrate them successfully. This article will guide you through some key best practices that I’ve come across.

Understanding the Challenges of Implementing LLMs in Real-World Applications

One of the first challenges is that LLMs are constantly being improved. This means that the model you start using could change under the hood, and suddenly your application doesn’t work as it did before. Your prompts might need adjustments to work with the newer version, or worse, they might even lead to unintended results!


Google Cloud Workflows API automation, patterns, and best practices

  • Workflows at a glance, benefits, key features, use cases
  • UI interface in Google Cloud console
  • Deep dive into the Workflows syntax
  • Workflows connectors
  • Demos
  • Patterns and best practices

Choreography vs orchestration in microservices and best practices

We went from a single monolith to a set of microservices that are small, lightweight, and easy to implement. Microservices enable reusability, make it easier to change and scale apps on demand but they also introduce new problems. How do microservices interact with each other toward a common goal? How do you figure out what went wrong when a business process composed of several microservices fails? Should there be a central orchestrator controlling all interactions between services or should each service work independently, in a loosely coupled way, and only interact through shared events? In this talk, we’ll explore the Choreography vs Orchestration question and see demos of some of the tools that can help. And we’ll explore some best practices and patterns to apply when adopting an orchestration approach.