❯ Guillaume Laforge


Choreography vs orchestration in microservices and best practices

We went from a single monolith to a set of microservices that are small, lightweight, and easy to implement. Microservices enable reusability, make it easier to change and scale apps on demand but they also introduce new problems. How do microservices interact with each other toward a common goal? How do you figure out what went wrong when a business process composed of several microservices fails? Should there be a central orchestrator controlling all interactions between services or should each service work independently, in a loosely coupled way, and only interact through shared events? Read more...

Reuse old smartphones to monitor 3D prints with WebRTC WebSockets and serverless

Reuse old smartphones to monitor 3D prints, with WebRTC, WebSockets and Serverless Monitoring my 3D prints in my basement means climbing lots of stairs back and forth! So here’s my story about how I reused an old smartphone to check the status of my prints. I built a small web app that uses WebRTC to exchange video streams between my broadcasting smartphone and viewers, with WebSockets for signaling, and a serverless platform for easily deploying and hosting my containerized app. Read more...

Monitoring Website Changes with Workflows Cloud Functions and Sendgrid

Every year in France, around mid-September, there’s a special weekend where everyone can visit some famous places, usually closed the rest of the year. That’s “JournĂ©e du Patrimoine”. For example, you can visit places like the ElysĂ©e Palace or the Matignon Palace, if you want to see where the French president, or the French prime minister work. However, for some of those places, it’s tricky to register online to book a slot, as there’s always a high demand for them. Read more...

Open sourcing the App Engine Standard Java Runtime

One year after Google App Engine was released in 2008, Java became the second language runtime available on the platform. Java developers were able to deploy and scale their servlet-based web applications easily, without worrying about infrastructure management. Not only Java was able to run then, but alternative JVM languages, like Apache Groovy, and Kotlin are also part of the game. Fast forward to today, we’re pleased to announce that the Java Runtime for App Engine is now available as open source, in the GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-java-standard repository on Github. Read more...

Skyrocketing Micronaut microservices into Google Cloud

Instead of spending too much time on infrastructure, take advantage of readily available serverless solutions. Focus on your Micronaut code, and deploy it rapidly as a function, an application, or within a container, on Google Cloud Platform, with Cloud Functions, App Engine, or Cloud Run. In this presentation, you’ll discover the options you have to deploy your Micronaut applications and services on Google Cloud. With Micronaut Launch, it’s easy to get started with a template project, and with a few tweaks, you can then push your code to production. Read more...

Serverless: panacea or not?

At DevDay Belgium, a few months ago, I had the pleasure to give a keynote on the theme of “serverless”. Let me share with you this talk today! The Serverless Panacea… Or Not? The term “serverless” has become a trendy buzzword: if you don’t have the checkbox ticked, you’re not cool anymore. Really? Spoiler alert: There may be servers involved in serverless solutions. It’s not just about function-as-a-service. And it’s actually more complicated than it may seem! Read more...

Orchestrating the Pic-a-Daily serverless app with workflows

Over the past year, we (Mete and Guillaume) have developed a picture sharing application, named Pic-a-Daily, to showcase Google Cloud serverless technologies such as Cloud Functions, App Engine, and Cloud Run. Into the mix, we’ve thrown a pinch of Pub/Sub for interservice communication, a zest of Firestore for storing picture metadata, and a touch of machine learning for a little bit of magic. We also created a hands-on workshop to build the application, and slides with explanations of the technologies used. Read more...

Running Micronaut serverlessly on Google Cloud Platform

Last week, I had the pleasure of presenting Micronaut in action on Google Cloud Platform, via a webinar organized by OCI. Particularly, I focused on the serverless compute options available: Cloud Functions, App Engine, and Cloud Run. Here are the slides I presented. However, the real meat is in the demos which are not displayed on this deck! So let’s have a closer look at them, until the video is published online. Read more...

Deploying serverless functions in Groovy on the new Java 11 runtime for Google Cloud Functions

Java celebrates its 25th anniversary! Earlier this year, the Apache Groovy team released the big 3.0 version of the programming language. GMavenPlus was published in version 1.9 (the Maven plugin for compiling Groovy code) which works with Java 14. And today, Google Cloud opens up the beta of the Java 11 runtime for Cloud Functions. What about combining them all? I’ve been working for a bit on the Java 11 runtime for Google Cloud Functions (that’s the Function-as-a-Service platform of Google Cloud, pay-as-you-go, hassle-free / transparent scaling), and in this article, I’d like to highlight that you can also write and deploy functions with alternative JVM languages like Apache Groovy. Read more...

Video: the Pic-a-Daily serverless workshop

With my partner in crime, Mete Atamel, we ran two editions of our “Pic-a-Daily” serverless workshop. It’s an online, hands-on, workshop, where developers get their hands on the the serverless products provided by Google Cloud Platform: Cloud Functions — to develop and run functions, small units of logic glue, to react to events of your cloud projects and services App Engine — to deploy web apps, for web frontends, or API backends Cloud Run — to deploy and scale containerised services The theme of the workshop is to build a simple photosharing application (hence the play on words, with a picture a day) with those serverless products, but along the way, developers also get to use other services like: Read more...