❯ Guillaume Laforge


Interview InfoQ en Français sur les microservices sur Google Cloud Platform

Une fois n’est pas coutume, je vais parler de Google Cloud Platform en français ! Lors de la conférence Voxxed Days Microservices, que j’ai couverte récemment, j’ai eu l’occasion de répondre à une interview pour InfoQ France. Interview sur les microservices sur Google Cloud Platform Voici la liste des questions auxquelles j’ai répondues, et je vous laisserai écouter les réponses sur InfoQ France ! Pour ceux qui ne te connaissent pas, peux-tu nous dire qui tu es ? Read more...

New Serverless Solutions on Google Cloud for Functions Apps and Containers

At Voxxed Days Microservices, in Paris, I talked about the latest development in serverless solutions on Google Cloud Platform, to deploy functions, apps and even containers. I answered an interview on the theme of microservices, and how this maps to the Google cloud products. And the video of my presentation was published on YouTube: Here’s the abstract of the session: Plenty of novelties in the Serverless offering of Google Cloud Platform, whether you’re developing functions, apps or containers. Read more...

Building and deploying microservices with App Engine and Cloud Functions

A coupe weeks ago, I had the chance to talk at Cloud Next 2018, in San Francisco, with my colleague and friend Alexis. We talked about building and deploying microservices with Google App Engine and Cloud Functions. I’ve been a big fan of App Engine since 2009 when Google released the Java flavor, and have been enjoying doing a bit of Node / JavaScript on Cloud Functions since it came in beta. Read more...

Automating Chrome Headless mode on App Engine with Node.JS 8

On the Google Cloud front today, the big news is the release of the new Node.JS 8 runtime for Google App Engine Standard. It’s been a while since a completely new runtime was added to the list of supported platforms (Python, Java, PHP, Go). You could already run anything in custom containers on App Engine Flex, including your own containerized Node app, but now you can have all the nice developer experience on the Standard environment, with fast deployment times, and 0 to 1 to n instance automatic scaling (you can see the difference between those two environments here). Read more...