❯ Guillaume Laforge


A poor-man assistant with speech recognition and natural language processing

All sorts of voice-powered assistants are available today, and chat bots are the new black! In order to illustrate how such tools are made, I decided to create my own little basic conference assistant, using Google’s Cloud Speech API and Cloud Natural Language API. This is a demo I actually created for the Devoxx 2016 keynote, when Stephan Janssen invited me on stage to speak about Machine Learning. And to make this demo more fun, I implemented it with a shell script, some curl calls, plus some other handy command-line tools. Read more...

Machine intelligence at Google scale, vision / speech APIs, Tensorflow, and Cloud Machine Learning

With my colleague Martin Görner, at the Devoxx conference in Belgium last month, we gave a talk on Machine Learning, on the various APIs provided by Google Cloud, the TensorFlow Machine Learning Open Source project, the Cloud ML service. I didn’t get a chance to publish the slides, so it’s time I fix that! Machine Intelligence at Google Scale: Vision/Speech API, TensorFlow and Cloud Machine Learning The biggest challenge of Deep Learning technology is the scalability. Read more...