❯ Guillaume Laforge


Tech Watch #4 — October, 27, 2023

The State of AI report is pretty interesting to read (even if long!). Among the major sections: research, industry, but also politics, safety, and some predictions. You’ll find an executive summary in one slide, on slide #8. On #22, emergent capabilities of LLMs is covered and mentions Stanford’s research that talks about the importance of more linear and continuous measures as otherwise capabilities sound like they emerge out of the blue. Read more...

Just a handy command-line tool

When developing new projects on my laptop, I often run some commands over and over again. Regardless of how far you’ve gone with your CI/CD pipelines, running commands locally without resorting to becoming a bash ninja can be pretty easy with… just! just is a handy way to save and run project-specific commands It’s a command-line tool that lets you define some commands to run (called recipes), in the form of a Makefile-inspired syntax. Read more...