❯ Guillaume Laforge


Scaling a Swagger-based web API on Google Cloud Endpoints

I had the pleasure of presenting at the Nordic APIs Platform Summit 2016 in Stockholm this week. I enjoyed the conference a lot, with great speakers and content, flawless organization, and nice interactions with the audience.

For the last keynote of the conference, I had the chance to present about Google Cloud Endpoints, Google’s take on API management. I worked on a little “pancake”-powered demo, deploying a Ratpack application, in a Docker container, on Google Container Engine. I created an OpenAPI Specification describing my Web API that served pancakes. And used the Extensible Service Proxy to receive the API calls for securing (with an API key), monitoring (through the Cloud Console) and scaling my Web API (thanks to the scaling capabilities of Container Engine). This demo will be the topic of some upcoming blog posts.


A Groovy journey in Open Source land (GR8Conf Europe)

Direct live from GR8Conf Europe 2016, in Copenhagen, Denmark! This morning, I presented my latest update about the Apache Groovy history, and the latest developments in the 2.4.x and future 2.5 branches.

In dog years… err… Open Source years, the Groovy programming language project is a very mature and successful one, as its 12 million downloads a year can attest. The Groovy language is certainly the most widely deployed alternative language of the JVM today. But how do we go from a hobby night & week-end project to professionally company sponsored? And back again to hobby mode but joining the wider Apache Software Foundation community?


Get in the flow! The API developer workflow!

What are the activities of the Web API developer? How API tooling should not get in the way of developer’s productivity? I presented a talk on this topic at the GlueCon conference:

The API ecosystem provides powerful tools, online services and definition formats for designing, testing, running, or managing APIs. All share common purposes: improve our productivity when developing an API, allow us to collaborate more effectively, or share our creations with the world!


A five-sided prism polarizing Web API development

At GlueCon, I presented about the 5-sided prism that polarizes Web API development:

How do you tackle your API development? Are you diving head-first in the code to get something quickly out the door? Do you start by defining the API contract, that you’ll share between your teams and the consumers? Perhaps you prefer to describe your acceptance tests, explaining the behavior you expect from your API. But if you’re a storyteller, you’ll probably write some use cases, scenarios, to have a better feel for what your API is all about, and how your users will take advantage of it. Or simply, you already have data lying around that wants to set free, and be exposed restfully to the world.


Groovy on Android for the Paris Android User Group

Yesterday, I had the pleasure to speak about Groovy on Android at the Paris Android User Group. This is an evolution of my presentation from the DroidCon 2014 conference, with a few updates, in particular more coverage of SwissKnife.

My GR8Conf presentations slides

It’s been a busy and intense week here at Copenhagen for GR8Conf Europe 2015! Great interactions and discussions with the Groovy community, and flawless organization.

I had the chance to present three talks this year, and I’m embedding my slides below. First of all, I’ve given the usual Groovy keynote, with a Groovy state of the union.

Later on, I gave a talk on Groovy style! With interesting tips’n tricks, programming style advice.


Devoxx 2015 Presentations

I had the pleasure of presenting 3 talks at Devoxx France last week (plus the Cast Codeurs podcast live recording), and I wanted to share with you the slides of those presentations.

The Groovy release process

With Cédric Champeau and Frédéric Simon

Groovy with style

Machine Learning introduction

In French, with Didier Girard

Back from JavaOne

After some trouble getting to San Francisco because of strikes, transportation issues, burnt control tower, and more… I managed to land to JavaOne! I missed my own first talk and I was glad and grateful that Cédric could present it for me.

At JavaOne, the Groovy project received the award from ZeroTurnaround / RebelLabs, for the “Best Tech - Geek Choice Award” :

Youpi mon projet a reçu un prix de l’innovation ! Très fier de ce que mon équipe a accompli !


Groovy on Android at DroidCon Paris 2014

I was very honored to be able to speak about Groovy at DroidCon Paris 2014 a couple of weeks ago. It was really great to spend time with the Android community and learn more about their needs, pain points, and more.

The video of the presentation is available below:

And you can find the slides here too:


Latest Groovy 2.3 coverage presented at GR8Conf Europe

I’ve published the slides of my “Groovy in 2014 and beyond” presentation at GR8Conf Europe.

Slides embedded below:

As well as video: