❯ Guillaume Laforge


Groovy presentations at JAX

I had the pleasure of coming back to the JAX conference after a number of years of absence, and I presented about what makes Groovy groovy, and functional Groovy, showing the functional aspects of the language.

Here’s the latest update of my What makes Groovy groovy presentation:

And the Functional Groovy presentation as well:

Machine Learning à Mix-IT 2014

J’ai eu le plaisir de préparer et de présenter une conférence de 50 minutes sur le Machine Learning, avec mon ami Didier Girard, lors de la conférence Mix-IT 2014 à Lyon.

50 minutes, c’est court pour présenter un si vaste et passionnant sujet !

J’avais fait un peu de machine learning pendant mes études, mais je n’avais jamais eu l’occasion de m’y replonger dedans depuis. Mais aujourd’hui, avec de plus en plus de données récoltées (le “big data”, l’ “Internet of Things”…), il faut savoir apprendre de ces données, découvrir de nouvelles tendances, prévoir un comportement, classifier ces données… et le Machine Learning est ce qui vous permet de faire tout ça !


Benefit from Groovy now: when, how, why

Last week, I was in Stockholm, Sweden, for the JFokus conference. Mattias Karlsson had invited me to speak about how to benefit from Groovy, how / when / why developers, projects, companies are using and adopting Groovy in their everyday life.

So I crafted a brand new presentation illustrating those usage patterns, how they are applied, also giving some examples of existing projects or companies benefiting from Groovy in that way.


Groovy presentations at conferences

Last week, I was in London for the JAX London 2013 conference. I gave a presentation on what makes the Groovy programming language… groovy! It’s essentially an introduction to Groovy, its language constructs, its ecosystem, etc. It’s not focusing particularly on new features or on metaprogramming, but tries to bring the audience to the boilerplate killer that is Groovy. I’ve posted the slides on SpeakerDeck and I embed them below:

I also had the chance to do a special speech at the London Java Community night during the conference about some (obvious) advice I could give developers, that I learnt through my working in Open Source, on the Groovy project, etc, illustrated with some quotes that I like. Again, slides embedded below:


Functional Groovy presentation

I’ve had the pleasure of being invited at the Scala.IO conference to speak about the functional aspects of Groovy, as the conference was also open to other functional language.

The Groovy programming language, since its inception, has always been pretty functional, in particular with the cornerstone that our Closures represent to serve as first-class citizen functions in the language.

Inspired by other nice talks from Andrés, Paul, Arturo, I’ve created my own deck that I’ve posted on SpeakerDeck and that I embed below. Please be sure to have a look at the “resources” section of that deck, for further pointers on functional programming with Groovy.


My GR8Conf presentation on Groovy

GR8Conf Europe 2013 was such a blast! With close to well over 160 attendees, the conference was a real success, and went flawlessly thanks to the great organization of Søren and his crew. Big congrats to his team! And for the 5th anniversary of the conference, the Groovy cakes were so delicious! It was a pleasure to be back in Copenhagen to meet all my friends from the Groovy community.

I had a chance to speak about Groovy 2 and beyond, and I’m embedding the slides below, if you want to have a look at them. Also, if all goes well, we should even get a video recording of the presentation(s) this year, so fingers crossed!


Groovy 2.0 and beyond at Groovy Grails eXchange

Last week, I had the pleasure to attend and keynote at the 5th edition of the Groovy / Grails eXchange conference, in London. I presented a talk around the new features of Groovy 2.0 and the upcoming 2.1 release, as well as a few words about what’s coming up next.

You can watch the video online, as SkillsMatter, the organizer of the conference, have put all the presentations online in record time!

And you can have a look at the slides hosted on Speakerdeck below:


SpringOne2GX Groovy presentations aftermath

Last week, I was in Washington DC for the SpringOne2GX conference.

I’ve had the pleasure of presenting twice: first time on an update on Groovy 2.0 (and a recap on key features of Groovy 1.8), and a second time with my friends and colleagues Paul King (Groovy core committer) and Andrew Eisenberg (Groovy/Grails Eclipse tooling lead) about Domain-Specific Languages in Groovy.

Please see the slides published below:

Slides for Domain-Specific Languages in Groovy

During the Cloud Foundry Open Tour conference in Moscow, I presented a new presentation of Domain-Specific Languages in Groovy. I’ve already shared the link here and there (twitter, Google+, mailing-list), but not yet on my blog. So consder this fixed now. This new presentation is inspired from the beta DSL chapter from the second edition of Groovy in Action, where you’ll learn how to create a DSL for a little Mars robot. This is a pretty practical approach, bottom-up, as you progressively build the DSL, rather than listing all the existing techniques and illustrate them. I feel the flow is a bit better that way. Anyway… enjoy:


Groovy at Devoxx France

Last week saw the first edition of Devoxx France. And what a success it was! The conference was sold out at 1200 persons. There was a great wealth of interesting topics and many passionate attendees to talk to. Overall, I come back home impressed that the first edition worked out so well, flawlessly, and was such a joy to attend. So a big thank you and congrats to all those involved in making Devoxx France such a great event!