❯ Guillaume Laforge


Présentation sur PrettyTime et GPars au Paris JUG

Warning: Sorry, this time, I’ll blog in French to share my slides of the presentation in French that I made yesterday at the Paris JUG about the PrettyTime library and the GPars concurrency / parallelism toolkit. Hier soir, j’ai eu le plaisir de retrouver les passionnés du Paris JUG pour parler sur le thème des “petites librairies” utiles que l’on peut utiliser sur nos projets. J’avais proposé de parler de PrettyTime, qui permet d’écrire des dates relatives du genre “il y a 3 minutes” ou “dans 4 jours”. Read more...

Gaelyk presentation at SpringOne2GX

After sharing my slides for the DSL talk, and the Groovy update presentation, I’ll finish the tour with my presentation on Gaelyk.

What's new in Groovy 1.8 and beyond?

Last week, at the SpringOne2GX conference, in Chicago, I gave an update on the new features of the recently released Groovy 1.8, as well as new features we’re working on for upcoming versions of the language and its APIs. I’ve uploaded my slides on Slideshare: I’m covering: Nicer DSLs with command chains Runtime performance improvements GPars bundled for taming multicore Closure enhancements (functional flavor and closure annotation parameters) The builtin JSON support The new AST transformations The alignment with JDK 7 (Project Coin) InvokeDynamic support coming up Static type checking And other minor improvements

Groovy Domain-Specific Languages in Chicago

With my friend Paul King, we ran our Groovy Domain-Specific Languages talk again this year in Chicago, for the SpringOne2GX conference. I’ve uploaded the slides on Slideshare, and Paul has pushed the examples on Github. The room was packed, and we had lots of fun doing our little dialogue between the customer and Groovy DSL developer, improving our DSLs, showing new techniques along the way, to suit the requirements as they evolved. Read more...

Devoxx presentation on Google App Engine, Groovy and Gaelyk

I’m back from Devoxx, where I had a very pleasant stay, nice discussions with many attendees and speakers, and it’s always a great opportunity to meet friends you haven’t seen in a while! And this time, I was there with my friend Patrick Chanezon from Google, to speak about Google App Engine, Groovy and Gaelyk. I’ve uploaded our slides on Slideshare, and you can view them embedded here on this blog: Read more...

JavaZone: Writing Groovy DSLs presentation online

I’ve just uploaded my JavaZone slides of the Domain-Specific Language presentation available on Slideshare. Abstract: Domain-Specific Languages are an “architectural hot-spot”, as coined recently by InfoQ editors. With dynamic languages such as Groovy, it is easy to create a mini-language modelling a particular business domain. Thanks to these DSLs, developers and subject matter experts will be able to share a common metaphor, to deliver, hand in hand, the final application to the end users. Read more...